Mike Garrison

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Always striving to push my limits and see how good my best is.

Mike Garrison

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things I learned at the 2009 PA Challenge

Now that I've had a few weeks to process everything:

1) It's borderline disturbing what you can get an adventure racer to do with no questions from them. It's tempting to test this behavior and is certainly something that has crossed my mind.

2) If you're going to work a single checkpoint for 20+ hours do it with Monty Wilson and my wife Cristal. Hot dogs, chicken, wine, beer, S'mores, you name it. I had to warn them early that they'd be in big trouble if any teams dropped the race in favor of the creature comforts they filled their CP's with!

3) Time math is hard. Time math after being up for 36 hours is beyond hard. Discussing time math after being up for 36 hours with someone else who has been up for 36 hours is nothing short of completely absurd.

4) Witnessing the discussion outlined in item three is wildly entertaining.

5) It never gets old watching people push their limits and enjoy something that most people would classify as "crazy", "nuts", or just plain "weird".

6) Farmers seem to give free Cokes to weird people. Not sure if this is out of fear or a belief that adventure racer money is akin to Monopoly money and can't be used in the real world, or if farmers are just nice people.

7) Ticks suck. (no pun intended)

8) Poison ivy sucks. (no pun possible)

9) Poison ivy with ticks is still better than 35 degrees with rain, snow, sleet and flooding. (And from what I've heard since the race I'm apparently not the only one that feels this way.)

10) There appears to be an as of yet unnamed emotion that is some combination of relief, gratification, accomplishment, delerium and whatever it is you feel right after something that hurts real bad stops hurting. This emotion is easily readable in peoples faces immediately following a race like this years PA!

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