Mike Garrison

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Always striving to push my limits and see how good my best is.

Mike Garrison

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Monday, July 27, 2009


After my last AR in the middle of May I took about a month off from any real training. We were getting ready for PA, and I was pretty beat from a lot of racing in the spring, (A lot by my standards anyways.) so it seemed like good timing.

After PA I started getting back into training, primarily on my road bike, (and I was having a lot of fun with it.) I was riding frequently, and pretty hard, so I didn't spend much (any) time running.

Due to recent unfortunate circumstances (that I'll get into shortly, as in, it's earned it's own post that I haven't quite finished yet) I've been unable to ride my road bike the past 9 or 10 days.

So, I've taken the opportunity to get in more running. I've managed to get in 20+ miles in 5 days. I ran 6 miles both Saturday and Sunday. Now I know for actual runners (which I will never claim to be) that's not a lot but it's come as quite a shock to my system.

Mostly my legs.

I'm sore. Like, surprisingly sore.

Which is where the whoops comes in.

I've got my first 5k since 2001 coming up. And by coming up, I mean tomorrow. I'm running the PA TNT race at Horizon, and although I never had any aspirations of doing anything impressive, I would prefer not to embarass myself.

Seeing as how the focus of most of my racing is endurance for events for events 24 hours long I don't spend a lot of time working on my "top end". Still, it might have been wise to look at my calendar and not done the crash course in footwork the last few days.

So, short of some kind of recovery miracle, meeting that modest goal of embarassment avoidance might be kind of tough.


Oh well, I'll just have to keep reminding myself that I'm an adventure racer, not a 5k runner and have fun!

(Credit for the "I'm an adventure racer, not a "insert sport your doing poorly at here" goes to someone else, and is another good topic for a blog post...)


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