Mike Garrison

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Always striving to push my limits and see how good my best is.

Mike Garrison

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Susan's fight

Susan Nelson, wife of "Fat Cyclist" Elden Neslon (Fatty) passed away last night after a long and courageous fight against breast cancer.

I started reading Elden's blog about a year and a half ago. Mostly because it was funny and most of the humor was in the context of something that I enjoyed, cycling. He's written on everything from his successful efffort in getting Bob Roll's head shaved to the chemical and physical properties of incredibly stale energy food.

However, I quickly learned there was a lot more to his life than riding his bikes and writing
funny stuff. His wife was dying of cancer.

He didn't keep it to himself nor did he use it as a focal point for pity from others (or himself) through the very public forum that is a blog. He told their story and together they started to do what they could to fight back at the disease that was slowly killing her and countless others. "Win Susan" and "Fight like Susan" became a rallying cry for those that chose to spend their time and money fighting cancer by raising awareness, money or both.

Over the past year Elden got very involved with the Livestrong Foundation and through his efforts and those of the 500 members of "Team Fatty" over $500,000 has been raised to help with cancer research. Having a loved one taken by a disease like cancer is a very personal experience but their willingness to share their story with the world inspired many others to join in the fight. And because of this there is an extra half million dollars to fight cancer so far. (Who knows how much will be raised by the end of this year alone thanks to their effforts?)

I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty
damned impressive. So take a minute to check
out his blog, maybe pass on your condolences and consider donating.

Heck, if you do it now you might even win this bike--->

Contests like the one that is going on currently, where this Orbea bike is the prize (thanks to the generosity of others) are just one of the ways that Fatty has come up with to help entice people to join the fight.


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